Chile Abroad

Feminist Foreign Policy

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With the objective of establishing the principle of equality and non-discrimination as a guiding axis in the work of Chile's foreign policy, the Foreign Ministry decided to undertake the development of a Feminist Foreign Policy that promotes actions in a transversal manner, with the purpose of eliminating the obstacles that impede the progress of women and girls towards the full exercise of their autonomy and rights.

This challenge brings together men, women and diversity from a perspective of respect, defense and promotion of human rights, understanding that in order to achieve gender equality it is necessary to review the social structures and gaps that perpetuate the existing inequality, both on the international stage, at the national level and within the institution.

In this context, The international scenario requires the configuration of an architecture that makes it possible to identify spaces for the creation and updating of norms, incorporating the gender approach from an intersectional perspective, that is, recognizing that discrimination against women and girls deepens when ethnic variables are considered. , ages, social class, among others.

Find out more about Feminist Foreign Policy here.